
About cklunitedway

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So far cklunitedway has created 80 blog entries.

Edwin Binney’s Legacy at Crayola

Edwin Binney was an American entrepreneur and inventor who created the first dustless white chalk, and was the co-founder of Binney and Smith: the company now known as Crayola. He was born on November 24th, 1866 in Shrub Oak, New York, and passed away on December 17th, 1934. Edwin Binney left behind an extraordinary legacy for environmentally friendly business initiatives.


The History of Crayola

Noticing a need for safe and affordable wax crayons, Binney & Smith made the first box of 8 Crayola crayons in 1903. “The trade name Crayola was coined by Mrs. Edwin Binney, a school teacher, who joined the French word ‘craie’, meaning stick of chalk and ‘ola’ from the word ‘oleaginous’, meaning oily.” (

Edwin Binney was known for his love of the outdoors, which was reflected in the names of some early crayon colours. He was also

known for his interest in helping those in need. Crayola works hard to continue Edwin Binney’s legacy by minimizing their environmental footprint and striving to achieve environmental goals, and enriching the neighborhoods, schools and lives of families in the communities in which they operate.

Community Gardens

In 2011 in Easton, Pennsylvania, Crayola built a community garden called Edwin’s Garden, which has over 18 different 100 square foot garden beds. The garden is tended by Crayola employees and each year produces about 1 ton of produce for those in need in the Lehigh Valley region.

In 2019, a team of local businesses and non-profit agencies in Lindsay Ontario are working together to create another community garden called Edwin Binney’s Community Garden. Read all about it here.

Solar Panels

In 2011, the Crayola solar farm was completed in Easton and has 30,000 solar panels which produce 3mg WATS of electricity or the equivalent of producing 2 billion crayons with the power of the sun: that’s enough crayons to go around the world 4 times. These solar panels help reduce Crayola’s greenhouse gases by 3,800 tons per year which is equivalent to removing 650 cars from the road each year. (

Crayola sets an excellent example for other companies when it comes to giving back to communities. Crayola continually goes out of their way to give back, and the communities in which they operate are grateful.

By: Co-op student Leah Cooper



“Can you tell me the birth dates of the founders Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith?” 22 Feb. 2019 <>.


Olanoff, Lynn. “Crayola garden harvest benefits Easton Area Community Center.” 20 July 2012. 22 Feb. 2019 <>

“Who invented the crayon?” 22 Feb. 2019 <>.


By |2019-03-26T15:36:29-04:00March 4th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Edwin Binney’s Legacy at Crayola

Veggies for Vets

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is coming into the final legs of its year-long Veggies for Vets project: a Community Garden and social inclusion initiative which aims to increase the availability of fresh produce and physical activity for seniors, while also offering social media and technology workshops to aid in social connections. This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizon for Seniors Program which provides grants for projects that make a difference in the lives of seniors and in their communities. The United Way’s holistic approach of combining physical and social wellbeing activities both lowers nutritional risk for seniors, and increases social participation which has its own multitude of benefits. (Statistics Canada: Physical and Mental Health)

“Overall, we are very proud of the impact our project has created,” said Project Manager, Elly Millington. “We have seen huge growth in attendance at our technology workshops, and the garden outreach has been spectacular. Our original goal was to connect with a few Legions in our area so that we may create mutually beneficial relationships: providing them with garden beds to offer physical activity to those who tend the gardens, while simultaneously offering technology workshops to improve social inclusion among participants. We were successful in not only connecting with four Legions in our area, but we also partnered with Food Banks, Food Centres, Community Kitchens, and community agencies  to expand our reach and continue the project when funding ends. What we’ve found is that people are very receptive to working on food security in their neighbourhoods, and more and more people are wanting to spend time outdoors growing their own food.”

Along with growing their own food, an increasing number of seniors are participating in social media: most see it as a way to connect with their friends, family members, and younger generations. Many of the seniors taking classes want to learn, but simply do not know where to begin. That’s where Workshop Facilitator Josh Webster steps in:

Through the Veggies for Vets project, United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes was able to partner with Community Care who have a vast reach to people who are interested in learning more about the technology they use in their everyday lives. Technology workshops will continue to run every Wednesday until March 13th, 2019 at the Lindsay Legion from 1-3pm, and will cover a wide array of topics from learning to copy and paste, to online security and staying safe when using online banking or social media. Anyone interested in more information or signing up for workshops should contact Elly Millington, Projects and Communications Coordinator at the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes: 705-878-5081.

January-February Tech Workshop Series


  • The World Health Organization defines good health as “not merely an absence of illness or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing” (Statistics Canada, Seniors and Health)
  • 34% of Canadians aged 65 and up are at nutritional risk, meaning they have gained or lost more than 10 pounds in the past six months, and skip meals regularly. (Statistics Canada, One-third at Risk)
  • Living alone, infrequent social participation and low social support all remain significantly associated with nutritional risk when demographic factors and mental and physical well-being are taken into account. (Statistics Canada, Socio-economic and Social Circumstances)
  •  Gardening is the second most popular physical activity in Canada, attracting 72% of Canadian adults; physical activity reduces the risk of premature death, heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, adult-onset diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke, depression and cancer. (, Community Gardening 101)

By |2019-02-11T14:11:48-05:00February 4th, 2019|Senior program|Comments Off on Veggies for Vets

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes Curling FunSpiel Registration

The United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes Curling Funspiel will take place on March 9th, 2019. Registration for teams is now open! Contact our Community Investment Coordinator for more information!

Ready to sign up? Fill out the United Way FUN Bonspiel Registration Form

By |2019-02-21T12:13:11-05:00December 14th, 2018|Funding Application, United Way Bursaries|Comments Off on United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes Curling FunSpiel Registration

Workplace Support

How does your workplace support United Way CKL?

Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington (PVNC) Catholic District School Board is proud to support United Way CKL fundraising at St. John Paul II, St. Dominic, St. Mary and St. Luke Catholic elementary schools and St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School. Our staff organize special fundraisers at the schools and give generously through payroll deductions. Our Director of Education Michael Nasello also raffles himself off each year as an incentive for United Way fundraising, giving a lucky PVNC employee a day off while he does their job for the day.

Why do you support the United Way CKL?

As a learning organization committed to the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching and to moving our faith into action, we are proud to support four United Way campaigns in our jurisdiction including United Way CKL. We know that some of our students and their families rely on the many services supported by the United Way. Our educators and support staff care deeply about the wellbeing of our students, both in school and out, so many find it a source of pride to contribute to the United Way.

What would you say to inspire other workplaces to support United Way CKL?

At PVNC, the annual United Way campaign is an opportunity to reflect on the challenges in our communities that can be barriers to student success and well-being. The campaign provides an opportunity for staff to make a meaningful contribution. As an organization, the campaign offers a great opportunity for team-building as school communities and staff at the Board office rally together for a common cause.

By |2019-01-20T12:05:16-05:00November 16th, 2018|CKL - United Way, Fundraisers, Support, Workplace|Comments Off on Workplace Support

30th Annual Crayola Sale Cheque Presentation

2018 Crayola Cheque Presentation

2018 Crayola Cheque Presentation

On Friday, November 2nd 2018, a group of United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes Staff, Board members and volunteers met at the Crayola Canada factory to be presented with a cheque from the 30th Annual Crayola Sale. The sale is held every year at the Lindsay Exhibition Fairgrounds (LEX) and attracts shoppers from all over the province; some shoppers even travel from the United States. The sale creates both local and global impacts as several attendees return each year to purchase Crayola products for mission trips to Mexico, Cuba and even Zimbabwe! Other attendees purchase goods for Holiday presents, or as supplies for classrooms.

Last year, the team at Crayola Canada set a goal of raising $40,000 to reach a total of $1,000,000 donated to the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes over 29 years. This goal was exceeded in 2017, and the success was continued this year with another $42,620.80 raised. United Way will use these funds to continue implementing their vision statement of crafting human care agendas within and across our communities, building coalitions around these agendas and increasing investments in these agendas by expanding and diversifying resource development. The staff, board members and volunteers at United Way work tirelessly to ensure that these investments have recognizable impacts, and extend their thanks to Crayola for leading the way for other businesses to invest in our community.

2018 thank you sign, cake, certificate and balloons.

2018 thank you sign, cake, certificate and balloons.

Crayola Canada believes that every person in the community deserves an opportunity for a quality and colourful life: “We are very fortunate that the annual Crayola Sale can assist children, youth, and adults in the City of Kawartha Lakes.  The sale started simply as a yard sale with a few Crayola products added in.  It was the beginning of a long-term relationship and, thanks to the efforts of countless volunteers from Crayola, the UWCKL, and the community, it has grown to its current form.”

Penny Barton Dyke, Executive Director of the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes shares her gratitude: “30 years!  Leadership, dedication and commitment by the Crayola Canada company and its employees has meant thousands of children, families and individuals have been able to access critical programs that help them in real time. Our campaign this year is about inspiring others to give and develop workplace campaigns.  Crayola and its team of employees are leaders in the truest fashion.  Their legacy has been and will now continue to be about their commitment to our families and this community. Now with its latest gift of land use, Crayola is once again leading the way by embarking on a new way of investing in people: a true community champion.”

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is grateful for their partnership with the Crayola Canada team and have recently launched an exciting development in this partnership. In 2019, Crayola Canada, Fleming College and United Way CKL will partner to develop 30,000 sq. ft. of unused land on the lot adjacent to the Crayola building into their largest Community Garden. Some of the funds raised at the 30th Annual Crayola Sale will go towards this Community Garden project, which will have the capacity to provide fresh produce to hundreds of people in the City of Kawartha Lakes.

2018 Crayola Staff Thank You

2018 Crayola Staff Thank You

By |2019-01-20T12:06:08-05:00November 2nd, 2018|Campaign, Community Gardens, Crayola Sale|Comments Off on 30th Annual Crayola Sale Cheque Presentation

Crayola Canada—United Way CKL Community Garden Ground Breaking

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is embarking on a very exciting new Community Garden project in partnership with Crayola Canada, Fleming College Frost Campus, and Bob Mark New Holland. We have entered into a land use agreement to turn the 30,000 sq. ft. of unused land at Crayola Canada into our largest ever Community Garden! This garden will enhance the availability of fresh produce for programs such as the Good Food Box, collective kitchens, Meals on Wheels, cooking classes, food banks, and food cupboards.  Fleming College will provide expertise, while also offering students unique learning opportunities through school projects and volunteering. Bob Mark New Holland will provide equipment and expertise as they volunteered to do our first ground breaking in October of 2018.

The community garden will be a closed space, fenced in and locked, with access limited to staff and volunteers from United Way and Fleming College, as well as agencies involved in the programming.
Community gardens yield more than food, they also provide many teaching opportunities and draw people together to help strengthen our neighbourhoods.

See below for some pictures of our first ground breaking, on Monday October 15th, 2018.

The First Ground Breaking - Group Shot

The First Ground Breaking – Group Shot

By |2019-01-20T12:01:51-05:00October 15th, 2018|CKL - United Way, Community Gardens, Crayola Sale, News|Comments Off on Crayola Canada—United Way CKL Community Garden Ground Breaking

Telecare Mona Hall Legacy Fund

*RECENTLY UPDATED* Important Dates

  • Letter of Intent Due: November 23rd, 2018
  • Invitation issued to applicants to begin application process by December 7th, 2018
  • Application Deadline: December 21st, 2018
  • Announcement of recipient will be January 25th, 2019

Letter of Intent – Telecare Mona Hall letter of intent November 2018-19

Application –UWCKL Telecare Mona Hall Legacy Application 2018-19

By |2019-01-20T12:09:46-05:00October 9th, 2018|community, Funds, Telecare Mona Hall Legacy Fund, United Way Bursaries|Comments Off on Telecare Mona Hall Legacy Fund

The Crayola Sale is almost here!

As Saturday, October 13th moves closer, plans for the 30th Annual Crayola Sale are well under way. This is an exciting event as last year, the team at Crayola achieved their goal of donating more than $1,000,000 to the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes from the past 29 years of the sale.

Crayola Canada employees volunteer their time to help run the Sale and are also heavily reliant on help from the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes and other dedicated volunteers. These employees and volunteers donate their time to help set up, run, and clean up after the event.

Crayola’s team is very enthusiastic about participating in this year’s sale. One Crayola Canada staff member expressed her pride: “United Way offers support to such a wide variety of people in a wide variety of ways especially the most vulnerable within our community. It’s good to know I contribute a tiny bit towards that.”

The excitement is in the air every year at the sale, another Crayola employee said

“I love to walk the line before people enter the building. They are always so excited. It’s great to hear what they are hoping to find and knowing what’s inside you can give them a bit of a head start as to where to look. It’s the energy of the line that truly gets me motivated for the event.”

Crayola Canada believes that every person in the community deserves an opportunity for a quality and colourful life:

“We are very fortunate that the annual Crayola Sale can assist children, youth, and adults in the City of Kawartha Lakes. The sale started simply as a yard sale with a few Crayola products added in. It was the beginning of a long-term relationship and, thanks to the efforts of countless volunteers from Crayola, the UWCKL, and the community, it has grown to its current form.”

The impact that the sale creates is both local and global. Several attendees return each year to purchase Crayola products for mission trips, some people going to Mexico and Cuba or even Zimbabwe! Other attendees purchase goods for Holiday presents, or as supplies for classrooms.

United Way is extremely grateful for their partnership with the Crayola Canada team and have recently launched an exciting development in this partnership. In 2019, Crayola Canada, Fleming College and United Way CKL will partner to develop 30,000 sq. ft. of unused land on the lot adjacent to the Crayola building into their largest Community Garden. Some of the funds raised at the 30th Annual Crayola Sale will go towards this Community Garden project, which will have the capacity to provide fresh produce to hundreds of people in the City of Kawartha Lakes.

The sale will take place on Saturday, October 13th from 8am-12pm at the Lindsay Exhibition Fairgrounds and is open to the public. All purchases at the sale must be made in cash.

By |2019-01-20T12:10:38-05:00October 3rd, 2018|community, Crayola Sale, News|Comments Off on The Crayola Sale is almost here!

Share Your Story – Inspire Other Workplace Campaigns

Tell us about your workplace’s United Way Campaign!

Our campaign vision:  to inspire one another to give, mentor and strengthen support of UWCKL’s community investments and our funded agencies.

We have amazing Individual donors and workplace donors.  Throughout the year we will continue to connect and thank them for their ongoing support.

This campaign will feature workplaces. 

Goal:  capture messages from workplaces that include:

  • How they participate—payroll/chili or soup cook-offs/ special events internally, (sharing ideas with other workplaces will inspire new ideas)
  • Customer and/or employee loyalty
  • Company-team building
  • Some workplaces designate to projects—i.e. community gardens, bonspiel event, bursary programs -(great dual branding and commitment & passion for a project)
  • Celebrate with partners their stories and milestones:  Crayola Canada will be hosting its 30th annual sale and has raised in total over $1 million
  • Hear the stories and inspire others to join us in helping more than 30,000 people (90% of Canadians will access a United Way funded program in their lifetime)

We want to celebrate your workplace and all that you do to support the community! Send us your workplace campaign stories and pictures and we will share them on our website and social media. Help inspire other workplaces to get involved by sharing what you are most proud of about your workplace campaign.

Visit our Workplace Campaign Profile page to read about companies that are giving.

By |2019-01-20T12:11:30-05:00October 1st, 2018|Campaign, Uncategorized, Workplace|Comments Off on Share Your Story – Inspire Other Workplace Campaigns

Can you imagine a garden here?!

Next spring there will be!

United Way has been working on food security initiatives for many years. We manage 40 community garden plots and have helped to build over 70 more plots throughout City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton. One of our goals is to increase the yields of fresh produce to use through the good food box program, collective kitchens, Meals on Wheels, cooking classes, food banks and food cupboards.

Crayola Canada is a proud supporter of the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes. They are always looking for ways to further support our United Way. On their property they have 30,000 square feet of unused land. They believe that this land should be used to benefit the community. Crayola has entered into a land use agreement with United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes. This land will be used for large scale gardening and harvesting of produce to benefit the community.

Fleming College is also part of this groundbreaking project. For many years, Fleming College has been a community partner on several initiatives with the United Way and some of its funded agencies. They will be providing equipment and expertise to assist with this food security initiative. This project will also offer their students unique learning opportunities through school projects, volunteering, placements and paid internships.

The United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is grateful to Crayola for the use of this land which will be used to grow food and provide learning opportunities for students at all levels. Thank you to Fleming College for their dedication to this project, as they helped us with our initial strategic planning. Thank you also to Roger Hill from Hill’s Florist and Greenhouse who created preliminary designs for the space.

This social innovation garden project will enhance the availability of fresh produce for programs such as the Good Food Box, collective kitchens, Meals on Wheels, cooking classes, food banks, food cupboards and the Kawartha Lakes Food Source. This project is a true testament to what is possible when we come together as a community.

This fall the ground will be ploughed in preparation for planting in the spring!

By |2019-01-20T12:12:17-05:00September 21st, 2018|community, Community Gardens, Crayola Sale, Garden Days|Comments Off on Can you imagine a garden here?!
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