
Coldest Night of the Year!

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is proud to be hosting the Coldest Night of the Year.

This event will take place at Fleming College Frost Campus in Lindsay, 200 Albert St. S. on February 24th. There are two walking routes available either 5km or 2km. Event check-in starts at 4pm and walking begins at 5pm. After the walks there will be hot refreshments and food available at Fleming College.

This is an event happening in communities throughout Canada to raise awareness of those experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness.

You can register to walk either as an individual or as a team here: Register – Coldest Night of the Year 2024 Canada ( but don’t forget to raise money.

If you’d like to volunteer to help ensure the event runs smoothly register here: Volunteer – Coldest Night of the Year 2024 Canada (

No matter how you decide to participate make sure you come prepared for the cold! Wear layers, bring your hats, mitts, and scarves, and a good pair of boots to boot!

We look forward to having you all join us for this wonderful event supporting a great cause!

A Message from our Co-Executive Directors

ExecutiveAs we enter the midway point of our first year as Co-Executive Directors we wanted to share some exciting things that are taking place at United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes.

This year will be the 5th season for Edwin Binney’s Community Garden, the food security and food literacy project we’ve developed in partnership with Fleming College and Crayola Canada. This dream of our former Executive Director, Penny Barton Dyke, has grown beyond what we could have ever imagined. The farm has produced over 56,000 lbs of produce in four years, all of which is donated to community agencies, food banks and food programs. If you are interested in touring the garden contact the office and we would be happy to share this important initiative with our community members.

We also have a number of events and fundraisers taking place over the next few months. We invite you to consider taking part in one or more to help us make real and impactful change in our region. All funds raised in City of Kawartha Lakes stay in City of Kawartha Lakes. All funds raised in Haliburton County stay in Haliburton County.

Adopt a Crop: This is an opportunity to sponsor one of the crops we grow at Edwin Binney’s Community Garden. By adopting a crop, you receive website, social media and special event promotion and recognition.

Spruce Up Your Space Raffle/Off-Grid and Outdoors Raffle: United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes will be running a cottage reno raffle this spring. Tickets are on sale now and the draw will place June 7th. There will be one draw each for Haliburton County and City of Kawartha Lakes.

Giving is Believing Golf Tournament: The second annual Giving is Believing Golf Tournament will take place on Thursday, June 22nd at Wolf Run Golf Course in Janetville. Join us for a round of golf and a delicious meal, be a tournament sponsor or donate a golfer prize. Register here

Workplace Campaigns and Corporate Donations: Running a workplace campaign has several benefits. It is a great way to team up and make a long-lasting impact for our families, neighbours and co-workers. Workplace campaigns usually take place in the fall. Learn more here.

Leadership Gifts: Make a statement in your community. As a Leader, your support will drive social change and make a lasting impact for those most vulnerable in Haliburton County. Show your support by donating at one of three giving levels: Pathfinder – $1,200 – $1,499, Trailblazer – $1,500 – $4,999 and Changemaker – $5,000+. Contact us for more information.

The Pandemic has impacted our community in numerous ways and we have see increases in the need for mental health, food and housing supports. Our service agencies are beyond capacity and are revising how to deliver supports to meet the needs of folks locally. Non-profits are in need of your support, and we know that together we can make real and impactful change.

Thank you for supporting your United Way! Giving is Believing.

Emily and Shantal, Co-Executive Directors.

By |2023-08-25T14:28:32-04:00May 25th, 2023|Chairs|0 Comments

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes kick off greets new leadership, celebrates retirement, and announces new matching grant

On Tuesday, September 28th, the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes (UWCKL) held its annual fundraising campaign kick off event at Edwin Binney’s Community Garden with the introduction of a new Matching Collaborative Grant. They also welcomed Paul Murphy as new Board President, introduced Emily Beall and Shantal Ingram as new Co-Executive Directors, and bid warm retirement wishes to outgoing Executive Director Penny Barton Dyke.

(left to right) Murphy, Ingram, and Beall address kick off attendees.

Paul Murphy, the current General Manager of Crayola Canada, has been a long-time supporter of UWCKL, most notably through the agency’s supportive relationship with Crayola. Concerning his appointment to Board President Murphy offers, “I have been involved with UWCKL for many years as a Crayolian: volunteering at the sales, fundraising and trying to support where I could… I am very honoured and proud to be working with not only the great individuals that make up the Board, but also with our fabulous staff.” Murphy then introduced UWCKL’s newest funding opportunity, the Matching Collaborative Grant.

This new Matching Collaborative Grant will award up to $10,000 per project, contingent on the collaborating agencies providing a matching amount of funds to what has been requested (in capital, not in-kind). Each application requires a minimum of three collaborating agencies, at least one of which must be registered as a charitable organization with the CRA, to receive funds. All partners must be located or serving clientele in Kawartha Lakes and/or Haliburton County. Two grants will be available in this funding stream, one in Kawartha Lakes and one in Haliburton County.

Shantal Ingram, incoming Co-Executive Director notes “UWCKL has been promoting collective impact models for a decade and a half.  It is important to look at ways to strengthen our community impact on poverty and collaboration is the necessary.  Although many collaborations exist, at times those involved need an infusion to look at some innovative tactics. UWCKL is and will remain focused on actions to end poverty and help our most vulnerable. We hope to inspire new partners to join and also further match the funds given out to help increase our trajectory of ending poverty.”

For more information, guidelines, and application please visit

Outgoing Executive Director Penny Barton Dyke greets an attendee.

UWCKL’s two incoming Co-Executive Directors then took the time to update attendees on ongoing and future initiatives introduce this year’s Campaign Chairs Jeff Tompkins and Brian Nash representing the City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County respectively. Several staff and board members then took a few moments to congratulate outgoing ED Penny Barton Dyke on her 17 ½ years of service to UWCKL and the community before Barton-Dyke addressed attendees herself, imparting praise and advice on both Beall and Ingram as the UWCKL begins its next chapter.

By |2022-09-30T09:45:56-04:00September 29th, 2022|Campaign, Kickoff, News, Special Events, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Workplace Support

How does your workplace support United Way CKL?

Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington (PVNC) Catholic District School Board is proud to support United Way CKL fundraising at St. John Paul II, St. Dominic, St. Mary and St. Luke Catholic elementary schools and St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School. Our staff organize special fundraisers at the schools and give generously through payroll deductions. Our Director of Education Michael Nasello also raffles himself off each year as an incentive for United Way fundraising, giving a lucky PVNC employee a day off while he does their job for the day.

Why do you support the United Way CKL?

As a learning organization committed to the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching and to moving our faith into action, we are proud to support four United Way campaigns in our jurisdiction including United Way CKL. We know that some of our students and their families rely on the many services supported by the United Way. Our educators and support staff care deeply about the wellbeing of our students, both in school and out, so many find it a source of pride to contribute to the United Way.

What would you say to inspire other workplaces to support United Way CKL?

At PVNC, the annual United Way campaign is an opportunity to reflect on the challenges in our communities that can be barriers to student success and well-being. The campaign provides an opportunity for staff to make a meaningful contribution. As an organization, the campaign offers a great opportunity for team-building as school communities and staff at the Board office rally together for a common cause.

By |2019-01-20T12:05:16-05:00November 16th, 2018|CKL - United Way, Fundraisers, Support, Workplace|0 Comments

30th Annual Crayola Sale Cheque Presentation

2018 Crayola Cheque Presentation

2018 Crayola Cheque Presentation

On Friday, November 2nd 2018, a group of United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes Staff, Board members and volunteers met at the Crayola Canada factory to be presented with a cheque from the 30th Annual Crayola Sale. The sale is held every year at the Lindsay Exhibition Fairgrounds (LEX) and attracts shoppers from all over the province; some shoppers even travel from the United States. The sale creates both local and global impacts as several attendees return each year to purchase Crayola products for mission trips to Mexico, Cuba and even Zimbabwe! Other attendees purchase goods for Holiday presents, or as supplies for classrooms.

Last year, the team at Crayola Canada set a goal of raising $40,000 to reach a total of $1,000,000 donated to the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes over 29 years. This goal was exceeded in 2017, and the success was continued this year with another $42,620.80 raised. United Way will use these funds to continue implementing their vision statement of crafting human care agendas within and across our communities, building coalitions around these agendas and increasing investments in these agendas by expanding and diversifying resource development. The staff, board members and volunteers at United Way work tirelessly to ensure that these investments have recognizable impacts, and extend their thanks to Crayola for leading the way for other businesses to invest in our community.

2018 thank you sign, cake, certificate and balloons.

2018 thank you sign, cake, certificate and balloons.

Crayola Canada believes that every person in the community deserves an opportunity for a quality and colourful life: “We are very fortunate that the annual Crayola Sale can assist children, youth, and adults in the City of Kawartha Lakes.  The sale started simply as a yard sale with a few Crayola products added in.  It was the beginning of a long-term relationship and, thanks to the efforts of countless volunteers from Crayola, the UWCKL, and the community, it has grown to its current form.”

Penny Barton Dyke, Executive Director of the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes shares her gratitude: “30 years!  Leadership, dedication and commitment by the Crayola Canada company and its employees has meant thousands of children, families and individuals have been able to access critical programs that help them in real time. Our campaign this year is about inspiring others to give and develop workplace campaigns.  Crayola and its team of employees are leaders in the truest fashion.  Their legacy has been and will now continue to be about their commitment to our families and this community. Now with its latest gift of land use, Crayola is once again leading the way by embarking on a new way of investing in people: a true community champion.”

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is grateful for their partnership with the Crayola Canada team and have recently launched an exciting development in this partnership. In 2019, Crayola Canada, Fleming College and United Way CKL will partner to develop 30,000 sq. ft. of unused land on the lot adjacent to the Crayola building into their largest Community Garden. Some of the funds raised at the 30th Annual Crayola Sale will go towards this Community Garden project, which will have the capacity to provide fresh produce to hundreds of people in the City of Kawartha Lakes.

2018 Crayola Staff Thank You

2018 Crayola Staff Thank You

By |2019-01-20T12:06:08-05:00November 2nd, 2018|Campaign, Community Gardens, Crayola Sale|0 Comments

Share Your Story – Inspire Other Workplace Campaigns

Tell us about your workplace’s United Way Campaign!

Our campaign vision:  to inspire one another to give, mentor and strengthen support of UWCKL’s community investments and our funded agencies.

We have amazing Individual donors and workplace donors.  Throughout the year we will continue to connect and thank them for their ongoing support.

This campaign will feature workplaces. 

Goal:  capture messages from workplaces that include:

  • How they participate—payroll/chili or soup cook-offs/ special events internally, (sharing ideas with other workplaces will inspire new ideas)
  • Customer and/or employee loyalty
  • Company-team building
  • Some workplaces designate to projects—i.e. community gardens, bonspiel event, bursary programs -(great dual branding and commitment & passion for a project)
  • Celebrate with partners their stories and milestones:  Crayola Canada will be hosting its 30th annual sale and has raised in total over $1 million
  • Hear the stories and inspire others to join us in helping more than 30,000 people (90% of Canadians will access a United Way funded program in their lifetime)

We want to celebrate your workplace and all that you do to support the community! Send us your workplace campaign stories and pictures and we will share them on our website and social media. Help inspire other workplaces to get involved by sharing what you are most proud of about your workplace campaign.

Visit our Workplace Campaign Profile page to read about companies that are giving.

By |2019-01-20T12:11:30-05:00October 1st, 2018|Campaign, Uncategorized, Workplace|0 Comments

United Way CKL Kicks Off its 2018/2019 Campaign

The United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes kicked off its campaign at Smitty’s Restaurant today by announcing that Police Chief Mark Mitchell of the Kawartha Lakes Police Services will be the 2018-2019 Campaign Chairperson. Traditional support through donors, workplaces and volunteers continues to be critical to the United Way’s campaign. Sheila O’Connell, Supply Chain Manager at Crayola Canada and Brett Goodwin, Dean and Principal of Fleming College’s Frost Campus helped to reveal a partnership that will increase support for UWCKL’s food security work. 30,000 square feet of vacant land at Crayola Canada will be developed with the help of Fleming staff and students. This social innovation garden project will enhance the availability of fresh produce for programs such as the Good Food Box, collective kitchens, meals on wheels, cooking classes, food banks, food cupboards and the Kawartha Lakes Food Source.

Chief Mitchell noted that donors, volunteers and partnerships are key to developing consistent funding for vital programs, “The City of Kawartha Lakes is a wonderfully vibrant community, but there are those within this community who need our help. Whether it is in times of emergency or those dealing with chronic issues, the United Way is there with a variety of services to meet those needs. Those services are delivered by agencies and United Way, but it is our donors, however, who make it all happen. It’s how we show that we care.”
“We are extremely grateful to Chief Mitchell for his leadership. We promised the Chief this will be a great learning journey on how we can change and enhance lives across our rural communities. Today’s launch showcases the breadth of our past and present work. We have invested more than $65,000 in bursaries to high school students since 2002 and having Morgan Watson, a past bursary recipient, share her journey into education and a job is wonderful,” said Penny Barton Dyke, Executive Director of UWCKL.

Going forward, Shantal Ingram, Community Investment Coordinator for UWCKL added,

“This is a year to inspire one another to give, mentor people and strengthen our support. Every year, hundreds of volunteers organize their campaigns with colleagues to raise funds through payroll deduction, lunches, chili cook offs, school assemblies, sports events, and even job exchanges with management and staff. Please know that your efforts and commitment inspire and bring hope to our community partners and agencies as we grow investment into quality programs and projects. We will be featuring these workplaces and teams to say thank you throughout the year.”

Duncan Gallacher, Board President of UWCKL, spoke about the growth of partnerships and the development of programs that address changing needs. “Since 2005, we have increased our social investment to not only include agencies and their programs, but we have also raised specific funds for community development projects. United Way has invested over $7 million in agency programs since 1986 and $1 million has been invested in community projects that help with food security, job and educational skills building, housing and youth. Our critical path forward is to continue to build strong partnerships with our local businesses. Crayola, Fleming College, and Hills Florist, along with several agencies and investors, shared the dream of expanding our community gardens and creating practical educational experiences for our youth. Our announcement on the land use agreement with Crayola is truly exciting! We have also created, with Community Living Trent Highlands, new garden plots in Haliburton through a Day of Caring. Women United also provided funds for a greenhouse at their Haliburton location. We worked with about 10 agencies this summer to create a Brown Bag Lunch program and comprehensive job readiness programs to King Albert Public School as a pilot hub delivery model. This is how, as a community, we should come together in planning and delivering support,” said Mr. Gallacher.

By |2019-01-20T12:13:18-05:00September 13th, 2018|Campaign, Kickoff, News|0 Comments
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