Tell us about your workplace’s United Way Campaign!
Our campaign vision: to inspire one another to give, mentor and strengthen support of UWCKL’s community investments and our funded agencies.
We have amazing Individual donors and workplace donors. Throughout the year we will continue to connect and thank them for their ongoing support.
This campaign will feature workplaces.
Goal: capture messages from workplaces that include:
How they participate—payroll/chili or soup cook-offs/ special events internally, (sharing ideas with other workplaces will inspire new ideas)
- Customer and/or employee loyalty
- Company-team building
- Some workplaces designate to projects—i.e. community gardens, bonspiel event, bursary programs -(great dual branding and commitment & passion for a project)
- Celebrate with partners their stories and milestones: Crayola Canada will be hosting its 30th annual sale and has raised in total over $1 million
- Hear the stories and inspire others to join us in helping more than 30,000 people (90% of Canadians will access a United Way funded program in their lifetime)
We want to celebrate your workplace and all that you do to support the community! Send us your workplace campaign stories and pictures and we will share them on our website and social media. Help inspire other workplaces to get involved by sharing what you are most proud of about your workplace campaign.
Visit our Workplace Campaign Profile page to read about companies that are giving.