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2020 Mona Hall recipient announced

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes (UWCKL) has announced A Place Called Home (APCH) as the recipient of a $5,000 grant from the Telecare Mona Hall Fund to pilot a new Youth Emergency Fund Project.

This pilot will ensure that the immediate needs of youth in crisis, facing homelessness, or at risk of homelessness are met during the waiting period for other financial aid. Funds provided in the form of gift cards will help youth stay warm, fed, and connected to their community.

“Over the years, we have been given the privilege of small legacy gifts which have allowed us to invest in people in real time.  When donors give to UWCKL they do so with purpose and with the knowledge that funds go to high priority needs. These funds are monitored with the help of citizen review panel teams to ensure transparency and accountability,” explains Penny Barton Dyke, Executive Director of UWCKL.

When Lifeline Telecare closed its doors, funds were transferred to UWCKL to administer through a committee process and to help local groups initiate innovative programs in response to emerging or identified community priorities over a five-year period. The funds have been overseen by a committee of volunteers with expertise. Five agencies have received funding since the launch of the grant fund in 2016: Kawartha Sexual Assault addressed dating violence prevention for youth; Ontario Early Years created the Queen Victoria Public School Summer Outreach Program; Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes-Haliburton created an in-School Mentoring Resource initiative and marketing for mentors, The John Howard Society started a Caring Dads Program to increase skills for fathers needing special supports, and last year Community Care Health and Care Network created a teleconference caregiver support program.

This was the final round for the Telecare Mona Hall Legacy Fund.  The criteria and process was created through the efforts of volunteer panels, led by Lynne Downey, with support by UWCKL staff.  UWCKL has been able to support several pilot projects and the agencies awarded the gifts were able to capture measurable outcomes and help identify potential new programs.  Together we have helped strengthen supports for people who live here.


For further information on the Youth Emergency Fund, please contact:

Jennifer Lopinski, Youth Trustee – A Place Called Home

(705) 328-0905


By |2020-01-07T15:23:16-05:00January 7th, 2020|News|Comments Off on 2020 Mona Hall recipient announced

19 things that we accomplished in 2019!

As we swap our calendars and welcome the new year, the team at United Way has been reflecting on all that we have accomplished in 2019. The best part is – each milestone that we have reached has been because of someone’s generosity.

Although it could be much longer, here is a list of 19 things we (our volunteers, local businesses and supporters) accomplished in 2019:

  1. We planted Edwin Binney’s Community Garden for the first time ever!
  2. Collaborated with countless local businesses in the fight against poverty,
  3. Taught more than 350 local children from 15 different schools and summer camps about where their food comes from
  4. Provided funding to vital programs at local not-for-profit agencies
  5. Learned about sustainable agriculture from the experts (and students) at Fleming College
  6.  Had another successful fundraising campaign with LCBO
  7. Had an original documentary made about our garden initiative thanks to Cogeco / YourTV
  8. Provided paid training opportunities for students through the Canada Summer Jobs program
  9. Expanded our program funding in Haliburton County
  10. Had one of our most successful Crayola sales yet!
  11. Planted 1500 tomato plants – that’s A LOT of tomatoes!
  12. Provided nearly 3 tons of vegetables to 10 food banks and 11 non-profit agencies.
  13. Found new friendships in unexpected places! We are always so grateful when people take time out of their day to volunteer with us.
  14.  Finally got to share a dream that we have been working on for years with the help of Crayola at our garden’s grand opening party
  15. Built garden plots at the Coboconk Legion!
  16. Received funding from the Lindsay C.H.E.S.T. Fund, TD Friends of the Environment, and the Ontario Trillium Foundation
  17. Continued working hard towards our goal of reducing poverty in the City of Kawartha Lakes
  18. Supplemented the Good Food Box program with our veggies
  19. Found unlimited potential in our community.
By |2020-01-03T16:11:21-05:00January 3rd, 2020|News|Comments Off on 19 things that we accomplished in 2019!

31st Annual Crayola Sale Cheque Presentation

On Wednesday November 27th, 2019 a group of United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes Staff, Board members and volunteers met at the Crayola Canada office to be presented with a cheque from the 31st Annual Crayola Sale. The sale is held every year at the Lindsay Exhibition Fairgrounds (LEX) and attracts shoppers from all over the province; some shoppers even travel from the United States. The sale creates both local and global impacts as several attendees return each year to purchase Crayola products for mission trips to Mexico, Cuba and even Zimbabwe! Other attendees purchase goods for Holiday presents, or as supplies for classrooms.

Two years ago, the team at Crayola Canada set a goal of raising $40,000 to reach a total of $1,000,000 donated to the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes over 29 years. This goal was exceeded in 2017, and the success continued in 2018 with another $42,620.80 raised. United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is excited to announce that 2019 was in fact the largest ever Crayola Sale, bringing in $45,132.00. United Way will use these funds to continue implementing their vision statement of crafting human care agendas within and across our communities, building coalitions around these agendas and increasing investments by expanding and diversifying resource development. The staff, board members and volunteers at United Way work tirelessly to ensure that these investments have recognizable impacts, and extend their thanks to Crayola for leading the way for other businesses to invest in our community.

Crayola Canada believes that every person in the community deserves an opportunity for a quality and colourful life: “We are very fortunate that the annual Crayola Sale can assist children, youth, and adults in the City of Kawartha Lakes.  The sale started simply as a yard sale with a few Crayola products added in.  It was the beginning of a long-term relationship and, thanks to the efforts of countless volunteers from Crayola, the UWCKL, and the community, it has grown to its current form.”

Penny Barton Dyke, Executive Director of the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes shares her gratitude: “Our campaign this year has been about inspiring others to care and to lead.  Crayola and its employees truly are exceptional in their commitment to helping children, youth and families.  Their corporate leadership is outstanding as are the employees who volunteer for the sale and join in their workplace campaign. It is amazing to see shoppers from across the province support the sale and know there is a ripple effect in addition to the funds helping thousands of children and their families for 31 years. We would also like to thank the LEX for hosting the sale once again this year; when we all work together on community projects, lifelong impacts happen.”

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes and Crayola Canada have recently launched an exciting development in their partnership. In 2019, Crayola Canada, Fleming College and United Way CKL partnered to develop nearly 2 acres of unused land on the lot adjacent to the Crayola building into Edwin Binney’s Community Garden. Some of the funds raised at the 31st Annual Crayola Sale will go towards this Community Garden project, which in its first year of operation was able to provide over 5,500 pounds of produce to 10 food banks and 11 agencies in the City of Kawartha Lakes, while also teaching agriculture workshops to 350 children from 15 school and summer camp groups. Plans for expansion in year 2 are well under way; those interested in getting involved should follow United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes on Instagram (@unitedwayckl), Twitter (@UnitedWayCKL), and Facebook (@UWCKL).

By |2019-11-27T10:13:06-05:00November 27th, 2019|News|Comments Off on 31st Annual Crayola Sale Cheque Presentation

2019 Crayola Sale Raffle Winners Announced

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes and Crayola Canada are excited to announce the winners from the raffle that took place at the 31st annual Crayola Sale last weekend! Crayola and United Way would like to congratulate:

1st prize!

Congratulations Tracey Newlove!

2nd Prize

Congratulations Linda Rodger!

3rd Prize

Congratulations Melissa Franzen!

By |2019-11-27T10:24:55-05:00November 21st, 2019|News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 2019 Crayola Sale Raffle Winners Announced

Volunteers Needed!

WHO: Any and all volunteers who are willing to help us close down Edwin Binney’s Community Garden for the season!

WHAT: We will be harvesting the last vegetables of the season, putting the compost pile to good use, moving some of our perennial plants, and emptying the raised garden beds at the front of the garden. Some moderate physical activity will be required so please come prepared with water bottles, closed toe shoes, and weather appropriate clothing. (Important: wear clothes and footwear that you don’t mind getting dirty!)

WHEN: Thursday October 17th from 1-4pm

WHERE: Edwin Binney’s Community Garden (15 Mary St W, the large garden adjacent to the Crayola Canada building). Parking is very limited so please walk if you are able, or park in the large lot at 55 Mary St W and walk across Crayola’s front lawn to the opening in the fence.

WHY: This garden has provided over 5,000 pounds of fresh produce to people who need it in our community, and it’s time to shut it down for the season so we can properly prepare for year two!

HOW: Just show up! Anytime between 1-4pm. We will be there.

By |2019-10-10T14:14:34-04:00October 10th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Volunteers Needed!

Crayola Sale Date Change

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is excited to announce the date of the 2019 Crayola Sale. Shoppers will still be able to enjoy all of the same deals as previous years, but this year, the date has changed! Please take note and join us on Saturday November 16th from 8am-12pm at the Lindsay Exhibition Fairgrounds. There is no fee for entry but it is important to remember that this is a CASH ONLY SALE.

By |2019-10-02T14:00:38-04:00October 2nd, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Crayola Sale Date Change

Two Tonnes Harvested and Donated

Friday September 27, 2019

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is excited to announce that its newest endeavour in Food Security, Edwin Binney’s Community Garden, has hit yet another unprecedented milestone: more than two tonnes of fresh produce donated to local social service agencies! Crayola Canada’s unused land turned United Way CKL’s large scale garden set out with a goal of providing food security and food literacy to people in the City of Kawartha Lakes, and the project has been an extraordinary success for its first year of operation.

Naturally, the main goal of Edwin Binney’s Community Garden is to provide fresh produce to people who need it in the City of Kawartha Lakes through social service agencies, food banks, shelters, and children’s programming agencies. Eleven different agencies received fresh produce in the first year, thanks in part to the incredible power of  Jessica Topfer, Coordinator commented: “Thanks in large part to United Way CKL, we are seeing 95% of all donations going through be fresh and nutritious produce – items which such non-profits might not often come by, or which can be expensive to purchase for their programming. This has helped non-profits immensely by saving them some of their already limited financial resources, but most importantly, it has given members of our community an opportunity to access good food which can provide them the nutrition and energy they need as they work toward strengthening their future.”

A partnership with the Sustainable Agriculture program at Fleming College Frost Campus has meant that the garden receives a science-based crop rotation plan which will allow even more produce in future years. Students in the Sustainable Agriculture course are also able to receive practical experience that will count towards their diploma while working on site at Edwin Binney’s Community Garden.

The multi-pronged approach taken by United Way CKL has meant that along with experience for college students, children of all ages can enjoy learning at the garden. Thanks to a TD Friends of the Environment Grant, United Way CKL was able to hire an educator to create curriculum-based workshop materials so that children of all ages can enjoy the garden while learning about where their food comes from. Fifteen school classes and summer camps with children ranging from 3 to 17 years old were able to visit the garden in year one. A total of 300 young people gained hands-on experience in food literacy, numeracy, agriculture and biology through plant identification, scavenger hunts, crafts, and various whimsical activities in the garden. “The visit was not only very informative and interesting for the campers, but it was also very, very fun! Our campers thoroughly enjoyed learning about the garden and participating in the crafts and activities you had in place for us,” said the Summer Activities Coordinator at the City of Kawartha Lakes.

Representatives from Crayola Canada remarked: “This is an amazing accomplishment, way beyond any expectation we had when this project started. It is a result of a combined effort from so many local partners; Crayola is very proud to be a part of such a significant community initiative.”

Plans for year two are already in full swing, with the goal of increasing produce yields and student involvement. Anyone interested in getting involved in Edwin Binney’s Community Garden should contact Elly Millington, Projects and Communications Coordinator at United Way CKL by email at or by telephoning the office at 705-878-5081.

By |2019-09-27T12:55:55-04:00September 27th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Two Tonnes Harvested and Donated

Edwin Binney’s Community Garden Hits Huge Milestone

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is excited to announce that its newest endeavour in food security work is paying off in a big way- 1,046 pounds worth, to be exact! Edwin Binney’s Community Garden is the name of the new endeavour: it is 30,000 square feet of Crayola Canada’s previously unused land that United Way and Fleming College staff have developed into a fully operational community garden. The garden is maintained by staff from both United Way for the City of Kawartha  Lakes and Fleming College’s Sustainable Agriculture program, as well as several volunteers from Crayola Canada, Farm Credit Canada, and the community.

In just two months since its Grand Opening, staff and volunteers at Edwin Binney’s Community Garden have: planted and maintained 30,000 square feet of land plus twenty-four colourful raised garden beds; set up an innovative and sustainable irrigation system; hosted educational workshops for kids ranging from 3 to 17 years old; and harvested and donated 1,046 pounds of fresh vegetables to local agencies such as food banks, shelters, the Good Food Box, and kids programming agencies.

The work is far from over! “1,046 pounds of vegetables is a huge milestone for us, and we are so excited to share this news with the community,” said Elly Millington, Projects and Communications Coordinator at United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes. “The excitement doesn’t end here for us this summer; we are only just getting started with the harvest and are putting out a call for more volunteers to help with our first annual fall harvest. If you enjoy spending time outside and want to get your hands dirty while helping your community, we want to meet you!”

Anyone interested in volunteering their time to help with a worthy and innovative cause should contact the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes office at 705-878-5081 or fill out the volunteer form here.

By |2019-08-27T09:39:11-04:00August 26th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Edwin Binney’s Community Garden Hits Huge Milestone

2019-2020 Campaign Chairperson Announcement

The United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is pleased to announce their Campaign Chair for the 2019-2020 Campaign. The Campaign Chair will be Inspector Tim Tatchell, the Detachment Commander for the City of Kawartha Lakes Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. 2018-2019 Campaign Chair Kawartha Lakes Police Chief Mark Mitchell joined Tatchell and United Way CKL Executive Director Penny Barton Dyke to make the announcement on BOB FM.

“I am excited to take on the role of Campaign Chair and work with the staff at the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes during their 2019-2020 campaign. We all lead busy lives but when I saw the great work being done in our community by the local United Way and their awesome partners I knew it was important that I do my small part, and commit my time to assist them in achieving their goals,” Inspector Tatchell said, “Having returned to the Kawartha Lakes in the past year as the Detachment Commander of your local OPP detachment, I look forward to meeting the different community members that actively support the United Way at the many workplace and community events throughout the upcoming year.”


“We are thrilled to have Inspector Tim Tatchell as our Campaign Chair for the upcoming campaign. He has embraced the role with enthusiasm and looks forward to learning more about the work United Way and its member agencies does in the community,” said Barton Dyke. “The number of people who benefit from United Way funded programming continues to grow as over 50,000 people now access services in City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County. This increase is a testament to our funded agencies’ ability to be aware of emerging needs in our community and to adapt their programs and services to address these needs.”

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes supports agencies and programming in the City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County. All funds raised stay local. Therefore, funds raised in City of Kawartha Lakes stay in CKL and funds raised in Haliburton County stay in Haliburton County.


United Way CKL would like to thank Chief Mitchell for his continued support and for engaging Inspector Tatchell as Campaign Chair.

United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes would also like to invite the community to join us for our campaign Kickoff at Smitty’s Restaurant on Wednesday, September 11th from 7:30-9am. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased in advance at our office at 50 Mary Street West or reserved by calling 705-878-5081 or emailing

Crayola Sale Date Change: The date of the annual Crayola Sale for United Way has changed. The sale will be on Saturday November 16th from 8am to 12pm at the LEX.

By |2019-08-27T09:40:32-04:00August 13th, 2019|News|Comments Off on 2019-2020 Campaign Chairperson Announcement
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