United Way CKL would like to thank the following community partners and donors:
How to get involved
Edwin Binney’s Community Farm & Education Centre is a 3.5-acre urban farm with 2-acres in food production partnered with Crayola. Also partnered with Fleming College our farm staff are trained in sustainable agriculture practices to ensure food is produced using methods that reduce our impact on the environment. The farm grows over 30 varieties of food crops from apples to zucchini and everything in between.
Planting, growing, weeding, harvesting, and preparing 750+lbs of produce on average each week takes a lot of work. We wouldn’t be able to do all that is needed without volunteers and sponsors. If you are interested in volunteering, donating seeds/plants or tools, or helping with special events please reach out to or fill out this form.
If you would like to support the farm financially we are currently looking for sponsors to support various projects.
Adopt-A-Crop is our direct support campaign for Edwin Binney’s Community Farm & Education Centre. By adopting a crop you help to support every effort that is involved with growing a row at the farm. From buying seeds, planting, cultivating, harvesting, and distributing your sponsorship helps at each phase of the process and supports people in your community. Your sponsorship will also be honored with a variety of social media posts, signage at the farm, and can also include a special blog on our website highlighting your support and community involvement.
Special Event Sponsors
Throughout the year UWCKL hosts many special events such as the Coldest Night of the Year, curling FUNspiel, Seeing is Believing Golf Tournament, art workshops, summer camp, educational outings for schools and summer groups, and much more.
To learn more about upcoming special events please check out our news section on the main page. If you would like more information about becoming a sponsor of any of our special events please reach out to Emily Beall or Shantal Ingram
Though the farm is on private property we would love to have you visit sometime. To book a tour please contact our Garden Coordinator.